When people reach their late thirties or early forties, they may begin to have sagging skin around the neck and jaw line. This can cause them to look older than they actually are. Silhouette Neck Lift in Bucks County is a minimally invasive procedure that reduces those signs of aging and helps patients look dramatically younger.
The Silhouette Lift uses special threads that are inserted under the skin from the neck to the temple area. The threads lift the skin in the neck and jaw line. They are safe to use and are securely held in place.
Local anesthesia is administered for the procedure, and the pain of the treatment is reported to be minimal. It takes approximately 45 minutes to complete the Silhouette Neck Lift. It is an outpatient procedure.
Patients may experience some redness or swelling from the treatment, but many of them can return to work right after the procedure. Those who have jobs that involve a lot of physical activity may need to wait two to three days before returning to work.
People who get neck lifts will see immediate results. The sagging skin will be visibly lifted, reducing the wrinkles that were present before the treatment. The jaw line will be noticeably more defined.
The results continue to improve over the next two weeks as the face and neck adjust to the Silhouette Neck Lift. During that time frame, patients should limit facial movement.
Any signs that patients had a cosmetic procedure will fade during the healing process. At the end of the two-week recovery period, patients have softer, more youthful appearances.
The neck lift procedure in Langhorne is not as effective as plastic surgery that removes excess skin, but it can drastically enhance a person’s appearance.
The Silhouette Neck Lift is not just for women. Men will benefit from getting the treatment. Patients who have previously had plastic surgery can also get neck lifts.
The procedure is not limited to younger patients. Candidates for neck lifts just need to be in good general health and have the required skin thickness. Patients can range in age from their late thirties to their early seventies.