What is a Face Lift?
A face lift is one of the most highly requested facial surgery among men and women of all ages. Designed for dramatic rejuvenation, the facelift procedure reverses the effects of aging by removing major wrinkles and sagging skin from the forehead, jaw line, cheeks, and chin.
Aging of the face is inevitable. As the years go by, the skin begins to loosen on the face and neck. Crow’s Feet appear at the corners of the eyes. The jaw line softens into jowls. Heredity, personal habits, the pull of gravity and sun exposure contributes to the aging of the face. A facelift can improve your looks, self-confidence, and give you a healthy, more youthful look.
Dr. Shapiro will discuss what type of facelift will work best to meet your expectations. In all cases, the incision is positioned in a natural crease of the skin for camouflage.
The skin is raised outward before repositioning and tightening of the underlying muscle and connective tissue. Excess skin is then removed for a natural result.